Friday, February 25, 2011


I have really enjoyed photographing more babies during these cold winter months. It definitly gives me my baby fix which I love.

I am here to tell you that BABIES DO SMILE. I don't believe it's only gas. I have seen babies smile far too many times to believe they aren't legit. Baby Luke sure flashed me a big, dreamy smile. I think he was having happy dreams. Isn't he precious!

We tried to remove the paci, but he wasn't having any part of that! I decided to just go with it. At least it was nice of his mom to bring one that matched. HA!

Remember, I said in a previous post that I had inherited this lovely vintage scale. It turns out that it belonged to Baby Luke's great grandmother. He didn't want to cooperate with getting curled up on the scale, but I know this image will hold a special memory for his mom.

I love his sweet face. He is perfect!


Shannon said...

What a beautiful baby! I love the scale picture!

Lana said...

Aww, he is just adorable! You are so lucky to be able to get your baby fix. No one I know has babies anymore and I so miss it.