Friday, March 21, 2008

After our toy shopping, we met Daddy at Chili's, one of Greyson's favorite places. He says they have the best french fries.

Then, we headed to the movie theater to catch Horton Hears a Who. It was a cute movie. We shared Reece's Pieces (his choice) which he calls peanut butter M&Ms and a coke. Around this time every year, Greyson seems to outgrow his shoes, so we went to Journey's Kidz to pick up some new Etnies. Size 1...can you believe it? The brand does run small, so his feet aren't quite that big. :)
The ending to a fun filled day! He was very ready to come home. I couldn't even talk him into going to Target with me, and I even tried to bribe him with an icee. "Thanks for spending the day with me! I love you, sweet boy."

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