Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Last week was check-up week for GiGi. We went to the doctor for her 4 year old check-up. She weighs 44 lbs (95th percentile) and is 40 1/2 inches tall (75th percentile). She is such a big girl now!

Then, we visited Miss Susan at the dentist to get GiGi's pearly whites cleaned.

(Susan - aren't you glad you are on my blog now...LOL.)

What I learned most about GiGi last week is that she is getting very shy. She wouldn't talk to the pediatrician or Miss Susan and we know both of them very well. GiGi had never met a stranger until now and would talk to anyone who would listen. Now when she is in a unfamiliar environment, she gets shy and will just shake her head when asked a question. I hope this shyness does not come out when it is time to perform at the dance recital in a few short months.


Brooklyn said...

Is that my Susan? Oh I miss my dentist office....badly. Gigi is so precious!

Stacey said...

What abig girl she is becoming! Emily did and is doing the same thing with shyness. She is getting better at answering people when asked a question. It's a phase, she will come out of it. Dancing is entirely different! She will do great!

Becky said...

Isn't it amazing how quickly they grow up! She is such a beautiful girl.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Becky, I feel famous! Ha!
GiGi is the perfect 4 year old and going through the normal stages of development. Yikes, I wish I did not have all of this "experience". I feel very old!
Hi Brooke!!!