Monday, December 6, 2010

Under Construction

UPDATE: WOOT WOOT, my background magically reappeared. Sadly, the day didn't get much better. I lost my bank card on my lunch break and realized a couple of hours later that the Pack & Ship store kept my card by mistake. Then on the way home, my car started making a horrible noise. When it RAINS, it POURS!

Do you ever have one of those days when everything seems to go wrong before 9:00 am. I finally decided to change my blog header, but now my background won't load. Blogger frustrates me SO BADLY! I couldn't find my keys this morning, so GTO was late to school. Apparently, my husband thinks the silverware drawer is a great place to put keys. Then, I get to work and my computer is not working, and don't even get me started about this child...At this point, I don't think Santa will be coming down our chimney! It was a rough Monday morning at the GreyGill household.


Anonymous said...

Be thankful that you found your keys, your brother took Suzanne's keys to work with him this morning and another child was late for school.

I heart said...

Ugh, sorry! I hate those days! This morning I figured out that Kiki was supposed to bring candy canes to school by today for a project so we had to make a grocery store trip at 7:00am! Hopefully your day only gets better from here!

Trudy said...

Oh Bec, you make my day all the time. You are such a good Mom and wife. The day can only go UP from your morning. Hugs to you

Becky said...

Oh no! I like your header though.

Krouts Sprouts said...

UGH! sorry for you about the bad morning girl! i understand completly!!! Andy is gone till Wed with military and this was apparently BooderBeans chance to pull out all the stunts on momma! hope your day gets better!!!

5 dudes, a diva and total chaos said...

Oh Girl, I had a whole week like that last week. Nothing went right, I mean nothing. But have faith, GOd is watching and it will get better!

Kami said...

Love the header, I hate mornings like that, and Gigi is stinkin adorable as usual. Hope your doing well and have the most blessed holidays!

Lana said...

Your new blog header looks great! Sorry your day has been so crazy. The last time I "lost" my keys I found them stuffed in one of Sophie's socks so now I go straight to her if I can't find something.