One beautiful day
Long Ago
I dreamt of you
I knew you would be
And I knew
I would be blessed
One beautiful day
I hear your heartbeat
So loud and strong
And I say
I am blessed
One beautiful day
It is confirmed
You are a she
I cry tears of joy
And I say
I am blessed
One beautiful day
You arrive...early
On a cold icy day
And I say
I am blessed
Long Ago
I dreamt of you
I knew you would be
And I knew
I would be blessed
One beautiful day
I hear your heartbeat
So loud and strong
And I say
I am blessed
One beautiful day
It is confirmed
You are a she
I cry tears of joy
And I say
I am blessed
One beautiful day
You arrive...early
On a cold icy day
And I say
I am blessed

Hooked up to tubes
In the NICU
Tears stream down my face
As I have to leave you
And I say
I am blessed
One beautiful day
We dedicate you
To the Lord
And I say
I am blessed

Your chubby rolls
Leave impressions in the sand
And I say
I am blessed

You finally
take your 1st steps
And I say
I am blessed

One beautiful day
Your curly locks of hair
In pigtails and pretty brown bows
And I say
I am blessed
Your curly locks of hair
In pigtails and pretty brown bows
And I say
I am blessed

I have a little girl
To enjoy shopping trips
And I say
I am blessed

You grow into a toddler
A stong-willed, stubborn little girl
And I say
I am blessed
You get your first manicure
Hot pink is your choice
And I say
I am blessed

We have a teaparty
You serve your bear
And I say
I am blessed

I purchase your first tutu
You dance like no other
And I say
I am blessed

Your little legs
ski across the water
And I say
One beautiful day
You go for a swim
Under the Sea
And I say
I am blessed
Happy Birthday to my baby girl!!
Happy Birthday Gigi!!!!
Bec, That was beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes! Gigi is lucky to have such an AWESOME mommmy! Happy Birthday to Miss Gigi!
Love, Lisa & Sadie
What a beautiful recap! Beautiful little girl. Happy Birthday!
oh friend that was beautiful! you are so blessed! happy birthday GiGi!!!
Love this post!!! Happy 6th Birthday GiGi!!!!
Happy Bday Gigi!
It's so hard to believe that this little beauty is turning six years old!! I have so enjoyed watching her grow into a darling BIG GIRL over the years on your blog!! Happy Birthday Gigi!
Oh that makes me want to cry! I can't believe Gigi had dark hair when she was born, and so much of it!
I hope that she had a fantastic birthday.
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