When I sent GiGi to put her Jammies on after her bath, I didn't expect to see this! Maybe this explains why she has been asking for a bra. This my friends is exactly why I don't let her choose her own outfits for school! "Not everyone is meant to make a difference. But for me, the choice to lead an ordinary life is no longer an option."
It was fun this year seeing everyone's Christmas cards. I never did get all my cards displayed like I wanted. I tried a few different options, but by the time I added all the cards, it always looked like a jumbled up mess. I will have to put some more thought into it this year. What made receiving cards even more fun this year was seeing all the cards that showed off my photography. That was very rewarding. I don't get the opportunity to see my pictures in print very often, so it was nice seeing them on beautiful cards. Just like the family below...
Aren't they so cute! This may be my new favorite Mommy/Kid picture.
I am used to having bright sunshine, and beautiful scenic places to shoot pictures. I have had to get creative since the winter months have hit. I am not able to get all the natural light that I am used to using outdoors. Because of the frigid temperatures, I have had to make due with indoor pictures and tried to incorporate lots of color to make up for my missing scenery. :)
This red, rustic chair worked well, even with a two year old that didn't want his picture taken AT ALL, but who would of guessed that when we captured cute grins like this.
Front doors always work well too. I love the reflection in this pic.
Lucky to shoot in front of a bright red couch. Love it!
And this was an antique beer cooler that we opened up and put this little cutie in. Love the rustic blue background!
I thought I would give a quick run down of our Christmas season. We were so busy during the month that I failed to take very many pictures of our Christmas gatherings.
We started off attending GTO's first piano recital. He did an awesome job playing Jingle Bells and Will You, Won't You. I am so proud of him. He really loves playing, and it SHOWS. I am still sick about forgetting the video camera. This picture was taken Christmas morning. The kids ran down the stairs to find out what Santa had left them under the tree. They were so happy! GTO received Mindflex, and GiGi received a hot pink scooter.
Here is GiGi wondering why Santa left her a bra in her stocking. HA! She has been asking for a bra all year long and I guess Santa listened. :) I wish she could just act her age and not want to grow up soo fast.
See outside our doors??? That is about 10 inches of snow that we received during a Christmas Eve blizzard. CRAZY Oklahoma weather!!!! Remember, I don't like the cold (OR SNOW) so I wasn't very thrilled about a white Christmas. Hubby's family still made it to our house on Christmas Eve. They all had trouble getting home, but thankfully arrived safely. I was upset about all the snow, because my 6 year old niece was in town from FL. and I have not seen her sweet face in over TWO Years. We were supposed to join my family in TX. for Christmas Day, but didn't know if we could make it down South with the Interstates covered in snow and ice.
Thankfully, we arrived to the lake house after a very long and stressful drive. The girls were so excited to see each other.
And last, but not least I thought I would share a cute outtake from our Christmas shoot. These two are so funny. It's a good thing I like CANDID pictures. :)
I hope all of you had a VERY Merry Christmas. Time to start ringing in the NEW YEAR! 2010 - here we come!
I thought I would sit down at the computer to wind down from my very long day. I worked a full day, attended GiGi's school party, attended GTO's first piano recital (will post pics soon), and finished editing a few pictures after getting the kids to bed. And now I FINALLY have the time to post an entire session! I don't get that opportunity very much these days.
MERRY KISSMAS! Aren't these brothers so cute??? This handsome little boy is in GiGi's class. His mom liked the pre-k pictures that I took so much that we worked in a photo session before Christmas. I think he liked posing for me in front of my camera. Can you tell?
Oh melt my heart in that hat! What a cute little guy! Little brother wasn't feeling well that day. He had been running a fever, but we managed to sneak in a few pictures, and I loved capturing that sweet little round face.
We were able to sneak in a couple cute pictures with Mommy...
Before another few days escape me, I thought I would post a few more of my favorite shots of this beautiful girl. Anyone want to take a guess at which baby this is? I have photographed her before.
...BOY, then you were right! This cute couple welcomed a BIG 9 lbs 15 oz boy into the world on Saturday, Dec. 12th.
His name is Canon, and I think he had the best hairdo in the entire hospital. This is one GOOD DADDY and husband! While I was at the hospital holding Canon, he handed the new mom a little box that held a beautiful diamond necklace. I didn't know that babies brought diamonds. Definitely time for me to have another. :)
I had really good intentions of taking December off from photo sessions and slowing down a bit, if that is even possible with the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. I guess I didn't realize how many people wait until the last minute to send out Christmas cards. I have never been a procrastinator. In fact, waiting until the last minute to do anything stresses me out to the max. I still have three more sessions and lots of orders to place this month. The kids have had multiple Christmas programs, school parties, etc. I am trying to take one day at a time. If I haven't replied to your e-mail, I am sorry. I am working hard on trying to get caught up. On another note, the Pre-K parents received their Christmas gifts that I made and they were most pleasantly surprised and VERY grateful. I have received so many hugs, and nice comments walking down the hall of the school, and the sweet e-mails from parents this week have brightened my days. Who knows, maybe I will take on another project like that again soon. I received a call from my friend yesterday asking me if I was ready to take Gracie's one year photos. WHAT! Tell me it isn't so. I can't believe she will be one in a few short weeks. *sigh* I knew the day was soon approaching because her birthday is right after GiGi's, but I just can't believe it. It seems just like yesterday that I received the call and heard my friend in shock and awe saying, "It's a GIRL". Since she had two boys already, she was thrilled to finally get a taste of pink and frills, and speaking of pink and frills, just wait until you see her birthday outfit. It is SO CUTE!
And now for a look back at the past year of little Gracie Rae....
This is by far, my favorite picture. I love the color and composition, and her expression is just too CUTE! I printed a board picture of this photo for Mel for her birthday. It is so sweet.
And here are the latest pictures in her Christmas dress. LOVE HER!
I thought I would share a funny story with you. There is a photography blog that I read often. About two years ago, the photographer started taking montly pictures of this little girl and posted them to her blog just like I have done with Gracie. Every time I saw one of her pictures, I always thought to myself, "if Mel ever has a girl, she will look just like that." I saved the picture and sent it to Mel after she had her ultrasound. Looking back at the picture now is amazing. Gracie and this little girl could be TWINS! Here is the picture that I sent to Mel while she was pregant. CRAZY, huh!